Cleaning Validation
Do you need support in cleaning validation?
We can help you define a best practice approach in setting up plans and protocols for cleaning validation.
We can also validate your analytical method and analyze swab samples for active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) residues or check for the absence of cleaning agents.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on our cleaning validation services.

Effective cleaning is essential
Protect patient safety
Effective cleaning is essential to protect patient safety. Potential contaminants include residues of the active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), API degradation species, or residues from the cleaning process such as detergents or solvents.
Quercus is able to develop and validate analytical methods in the PPM range to support your cleaning validation. If needed, we can come on-site to assist you in taking swabs for cleaning validation.
Both chemical and microbiological swabs can be taken to assist your cleaning validation activities.
Cleaning Validation Consultancy
Our experts are happy to help!
To support you in achieving an effective and efficient cleaning validation program, we offer a unique ‘best practice’ cleaning validation consultancy package.
Our dedicated team can visit your facilities to conduct a thorough evaluation, or design the requisite aspects to ensure you meet requirements.